Recommended sites for research on Puppy Health

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I listed these sites for my good as well as yours. I did not want to lose them and they rarely come up in the google search engines.

The Mar Vista Pet Library Mar Vista Animal Medical Center, located in Los Angeles, CA.  maintains the best animal hospital website on the internet. Dr. Wendy Brooks has compliled articles that are easy to understand for us lay people.  They are informative, concise and up-to-date concerning diagnosis and treatment.

Merck Veterinary Manual This Manuel first came into my life via my involvement with our local 4H horse group. The disease and treatment summaries are brief but comprehensive. It is up to date being revised in 2008 and combines the knowledge of over 450 veterinary experts. Their own internal search engine will help you find what you are looking for!

Veterinary and The Veterinary Information Network (VIN) is based in southern California.  Type in the condition you are interested in, followed by the letters vin and it will come up on a Google search.These articles will give you a good overview of the treatment options available for your pet.  This was designed for veterinarians to have information for their clients that is up to date on the diagnosis and treatments. The vets will even use their articles as handouts to give to their clients.

 AAHA The American Animal Hospital Association published a list of treatment guidelines that represent their members opinion as to what constitutes optimal treatment and care.